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Brunel Lodge

Province of Bristol 

About Brunel Lodge

The Lodge History 
In 1953, when in many Bristol Lodges the progress to the Chair seemed to many younger masons a very long process, Worshipful Brother Cecil Waddington had the belief that a Lodge of Engineers would add a new dimension and extra lustre to the Bristol Masonic scene and he pursued this objective with great vigour.
Every projected Lodge needs the sanction of the Provincial Grand Master, whose duty it becomes to confirm the worthiness of the supplicants and see that all loose ends are securely tied before the petition goes to Grand Lodge. In 1953, the Provincial Grand Master was Right Worshipful Brother George Tryon, a kindly and considerate man, who seldom failed to listen to reasoned arguments, and so he was approached. A setback occurred, however, with an objection to the idea of lodge solely for engineers'. Whatever the reasons advanced or implied, it became obvious that a compromise was indicated and so it was agreed that the aim of the founders was to build up a lodge catering mainly, but not exclusively, for Brethren of the engineering and allied professions.
A further setback was the name - Brunel. As Brunel was not a Freemason, the Provincial Grand Master was averse to his name being given to a lodge and he indicated a marked preference for the older practise of naming Lodges after Masonic virtues, etc. However after much negotiation, approval was given for the name 'Brunel" with the Clifton Suspension Bridge as the Lodge symbol.
The preliminaries over, Peace Lodge No 3992 undertook to sponsor the new venture and on 21st October 1954, Brunel Lodge was consecrated as No.7356 with Worshipful Brother Cecil Waddington as the first Worshipful Master. To him the Lodge owes a great debt, for his tenacity, knowledge and devotion to Bristol Masonry.

Date of Warrant: 28 July 1954
Consecrated: 21 October 1954

Brunel Lodge meets on the third Thursday in each month (except April, June, July, August and December). Installation at November meeting.

When considering the design for the banner the Founders decided on one that incorporated elements from the many suggestions. Brunel's Clifton Suspension Bridge and the motto "Secretum, Obedientia Fidelitas" is shown between two pillars that are surmounted by terrestrial and celestial globes.


These stand on a chequered carpet on which can be seen an open Volume of the Sacred Law. Below the name and number of the Lodge is the All Seeing Eye. At the foot of the banner are the compasses and square and the date of the Consecration in a scroll. All on a light blue background and embellished with gold fringing and tassels.


About Freemasonry 

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations. For many, its biggest draw is the fact that members come from all walks of life and meet as equals whatever their race, religion or socio-economic position in society. Its values are based on integrity, kindness, honesty and fairness

There are 250,000 Freemasons belonging to 8,000 Lodges throughout England and Wales, and districts overseas.Worldwide, the figure rises to six million Freemasons, all with their own special reasons why they enjoy Freemasonry.
For some, it’s about making new friends and acquaintances. For others, it’s being able to help deserving causes – making a contribution to family and society. But for most, it is simply an enjoyable hobby.

Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that traces its origins to the local fraternities of stonemasons, which from the end of the fourteenth century regulated the qualifications of masons and their interaction with authorities and clients.
The degrees of freemasonry, its gradal system, retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Apprentice, journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason.
New members make solemn promises concerning their conduct in the lodge and in society. These promises are similar to those taken in court or upon entering the armed services or many other organisations. Each member also promises to keep confidential the traditional methods of proving he is a Freemason - which he would use when visiting a lodge where he is not known.The much-publicised 'traditional penalties' for failure to observe these undertakings were removed from the promises in 1986. They were always symbolic not literal and refer only to the pain any decent man should feel at the thought of violating his word.Members also undertake not to make use of their membership for personal gain or advancement; failure to observe this principle or otherwise to fall below the standards expected of a Freemason can lead to expulsion.
Freemasonry is not a religion. It has no theology and does not teach any route to salvation. A belief in God, however, is an essential requirement for membership and Freemasonry encourages its members to be active in their own religions as well as in society at large.Although every lodge meeting is opened and closed with a prayer and its ceremonies reflect the essential truths and moral teachings common to many of the world's great religions, no discussion of religion is permitted in lodge meetings



Interested in becoming a member?


Membership is open to men of all faiths who are law-abiding, of good character and who acknowledge a belief in a Supreme Being. Freemasonry is a multi-racial and multi-cultural organisation.
We require men of goodwill from all sectors of the community into membership. There are similar Masonic organisations for women.
Freemasonry is not a religion. It has no theology and does not teach any route to salvation. A belief in a Supreme Being, however, is an essential requirement for membership.
If you are interested in Brunel Lodge, please provide us with your details and we shall contact you directly

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